If you have any below issue, I may help you with Chinese Medicine (acupuncture and herbs).
Head: Foggy, ache, poor memory
Eye: Dry, red, blurry
Ear: Tinnitus, hearing loss
Nose: Congestion, allergy, wheezing
Mouth: Dry, thirsty, bitter taste, ulcer or canker sore, sticky, bad breath
Body: Itchy skin, numbing on certain part
Liver: dizziness, vertigo, red eye, blurry vision, tinnitus, irritable, anger, depression, timidity, insomnia, excessive dream, bitter taste in mouth, rib pain, numbness, shaking, spasm, high blood pressure, timidity, indecisive
Heart: palpitation, irregular heart beat, heavy in the chest, chest pain, shortness of breath, insomnia, timidity, canker sore
Spleen: poor appetite, indigestion, bloated stomach, acid regurgitation, hipcup, belching, diarrhea, constipation, shortness of breath, weak arm and leg, dizzy, heavy feeling, overweight, insomnia, excessive dream, phlegm, dry mouth and thirsty, bruise easily, overthinking, worrying
Lung: shortness of breath, heavy chest, spontaneous sweat, phlegm, sentimental, allergy to pollen, asthma, dry mouth, dry skin, thirsty, grief
Kidney: sore knee and lower back, arthritis, dry mouth and thirsty, nocturnal emission, night sweat, infertility, impotence, low sex drive, hair thinning or loss (with dry or oily scalp), edema, cold hands and feet, hot hands and feet, poor memory, difficulty focusing, fear, blurry vision, loose teeth, shortness of breath, fear